The Society of Africanist Archaeologists is an organization of archaeologists, researchers from associated disciplines and others who share an interest in African archaeology and African societies. Our membership is international, with participation from Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia, and is actively involved in research in many African countries. SAfA is an affiliated organization of the Society for American Archaeology, African Studies Association, and European Association of Archaeologists.
Objectives of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists
To promote and to stimulate interest and research in the archaeology of the African continent.
To advocate and to aid in the conservation of archaeological resources.
To encourage public access to and appreciation of the aims, accomplishments, and limitations of archaeological research.
To serve as a bond among those interested in African Archaeology, both professionals and non-professionals, and to aid in directing their efforts into scientific activities.
To publish and to encourage the publication of archaeological research.
To discourage commercialism in archaeology and to work for its elimination.
In the pursuit of its objectives, the Society shall promote and support all legislative, regulatory, and voluntary programs that forbid and discourage all activities that result in the loss of scientific knowledge and of access to sites and artifacts. Such activities include, but are not limited to, the irresponsible excavation, collecting, hoarding, exchanging, buying, or selling of archaeological materials. Conduct that results in such losses is declared contrary to the ideals and objectives of the Society.