Index to West African Archaeological Newsletter

1964 – 1970

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Atherton, John H.

Archaeology in Liberia: Problems and Possibilities, 11(1969), 19-21.

Bazuin – Sira, B.J.

Cultural Remains from Tellem Caves, 10(1968), 14-15.

Biberson, Pierre

Nouvelles découvertes d’industries du Paleolithique inférieru, in situ dans les formations quaternaires de l’Adrar Mauritanian, 2(1965), 6-9.
Review of Davies, Oliver, The Quaternary in the Coastlands of Guinea, 9(1968), 20-36.

Breternitz, David A.

Interim Report of the University of Colorado – Kainji Rescue Archaeology Project 1968, 10(1968), 31-42.

Calvocoressi, David
Comments on Recommendations and Discussions on Terminology in African Archaeology at Fourah Bay June 1966, 7(1967), 9-12.
European Traders on the Gold Coast, 10(1968), 16-19.

Report on the Third Conference of West African Archaeologies, 12(1970), 53-90.

Clark, Desmond

Comments on the Resolutions of the A.R.C. Conference, 7(1967), 40-43.
Review of Davies, Oliver, The Quaternary in the Coastlands of Guinea, 9(1968), 37-40.

Connah, Graham

Radiocarbon Dates for Daima, 6(1967), 23-24.

Premier Colloque International d’Archéologie Africaine, 6(1967), 46-51.

An Apology for ‘Culture’, 7(1967), 13-15.

Connnah, Graham, and Shaw, Thurstan

Proposal for a West African Journal of Archaeology, 9(1968), 63-72.

Connah, Graham

Precursors of Daima?, 12(1970), 91-92.

Connah, Graham and Jeffreys, M.D.W.

Note on “Correspondence”. 12(1970), 93-95.

Courtin, Jean

Récentes Découvertes Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques au Tchad, 6(1967), 17-19.

Découverte d’un Sanctuaire Sao à Fort Lamy, 6(1967), 20-22.

Daniels, S.G.H.

Some Archaeological Frequency Distribution, 6(1967), 36-45.
Comments on the Terminology and Typology Recommendations of the Burg – Wartenstein Conference (1965), 7(1967), 15-22.

A Preliminary Note on Some Multifactorial Work, 8(1968), 4-6.0
The Genesis of Types: A Logical Model, 10(1968), 43-47.

David, Nicholas

Reconnaissance in Cameroun, 10(1968), 24-26.

Davies, Oliver

Comments on the Recommendations of the Burg – Wartenstein Conference as set out in S.A.A.B. 21 (1966), pp.114-21, 7(1967), 23-26.

Comments on the Report in W.A.A.N., No. 5 of the Freetown Meeting, 8(1968), 7-8.

Reply to Reviews by Biberson, Clark, and Folster of The Quaternary in the Coastlands of Guinea, 9(1968), 45-51.

Painted Pottery in the Volta Basin, 11(1969), 22.

Davison, Claire

Are Cori Beads Cordierite?, 12(1970), 49-52.

de Bayle des Hermens, R.

Recherches Préhistoriques en République Centrafricaine, 9(1968), 6-13.

Eyo, Ekpo

1964 Excavations at Rop Rock Shelter, 3(1965), 5-14.

Ritual Pots from Apomu Forest, Ondo Province, Western Nigeria, 8(1968), 9-15.

Flight, Colin

A Note on Problems of Cultural Taxonomy, 7(1967), 27-30.

Kintampo 1967, 8(1968), 15-20.

The ‘French Battery’ at Elmina, 10(1968), 20-23.

The Takoradi Radiocarbon Date, 10(1968), 48.

Fagg, Bernard

The Nok Culture: Excavations at Taruga, 10(1968), 27-30.

Folster, Horst

Straitigraphy of Slope Deposits at Asejirs, 8(1968), 35-37.

Review of Davies, Oliver, The Quaternary in the Coastlands of Guinea, 9(1968), 40-44.

Gaherty, Geoffrey

Human Skeletal Material and Its Analysis, 8(1968), 21-23.

The Human Skeleton from Rop Rock Shelter, Nigeria, 9(1968), 18-19.

Goody, Jack

Archaeological Sites in the Northern Ivory Coast, 9(1968), 59.

Hartle, Donald D.

An Archaeological Survey in Eastern Nigeria, 2(1965), 4-5.

Bronze Objects from Ezira, Eastern Nigera, 4(1966), 25-28.

An Archaeological Survey in West Cameroon, 11(1969), 35-38.

Preliminary Report of the University of Ibadan’s Kainji Rescue Archaeology Project 1968, 12(1970), 7-19.

Hewes, Gordon W.

Copying Pottery Decoration by means of Ink-Squeeze Rubbings, 11(1969), 5-8.

Hill, Mathew H.

Archaeological Fieldwork in Sierra Leone 1967-1968, 11(1969), 12-28.

Hugot, Henri J.

Etat des recherché prehistoriques dans l’Afrique de l’Ouest, 1(1964), 4-7.

Jackson, George

Artificial Rock Hollows on Kuffena Inselberg, Zaria, 6(1967), 32-35.

Lebeuf, J-P.

Nouvelles Découvertes Archéologiques à Fort Lamy, 4(1966), 29-30.

Leggett, Jack

Former Hill and Inselberg Settlements in the Zaria District, 11(1969), 26-34.

Mathewson, R. Duncan

Kitare: a preliminary report, 3(1965), 22-25.

The Painted Pottery Sequence in the Volta Basin, 8(1968), 24-31.

Munson, Patrick J.

Recent Archaeological Research in the Dhar Tichitt Region of South-Central Mauretania, 10(1968), 6-13.

Note on “Corrections and Additional Comments concerning the ‘Tichitt Tradition’”, 12(1970), 47-48.

Murray, K.C.

A List of Sites, Buildings etc in Nigeria declared as Monuments under the Antiquities Act, 4(1966), 31-33.

Myers, Oliver

Scientific Recording of Pottery in Field Archaeology, 2(1965), 15-18.

Excavations at Ife, 6(1967), 6-11.

Myles, J.A.

Comments on the Discussions on Terminology in African Archaeology at the Fourah Bay Conference in June 1966, 7(1967), 30-31.

Nenquin, Jacques

Progress Report on Inventaria Archaeologica Africana, 9(1968), 60-62.

Newman, Thomas M.

Archaeological Survey of Sierra Leone, 4(1966), 19-22.

Niane, D.T.

“Note sur les Fouilles de Niani, Ancienne Capitale du Mali”, 12(1970), 43-46.

Nunoo, R.B.

A Short Note on the National Museum of Ghana, 4(1966), 23-24.

Owen, John

Water Storage Properties of Adansonia Digitata (Baobab), 9(1968), 55-56.

Oyenuga, Kunle, and Ozanne, Paul

Excavation at Asejire, 8(1968), 32-34.


Ozanne, Paul

Stone Axes, 1(1964), 13.

The Anglo-Gambian Stone Circles Expedition, 4(1966), 8-18.

Sierra Leone Problems, 9(1968), 14-17.

Site Identification Marks, 9(1968), 57-58.

Atmospheric Radiocarbon, 11(1969), 9-11.

Priddy, A.J.

RS63/32: An Iron Age Site near Yelwa, Sokoto Province: Preliminary Report, 12(1970), 20-32.

Kagoge: A Settlement Site near Bussa, Ilorin Province: Preliminary Report, 12(1970), 33-42.

Robert, Serge

Fouilles Archéologiques en Mauretanie Orientale, 4(1966), 5-7.

Roll, Donald

Stone Monuments of the Gola, Sierra Leone, 6(1967), 28-31.

Shaw, Thurstan

Editorial Note, 1(1964), 2-3.

News from Nigeria, 1(1964), 11-12.

Excavations at Igbo-Ukwu, 1(1964), 14-15.

Editorial Note, 2(1965), 2-3.

Editorial Note, 3(1965), 2-4.

Excavations at Iwo Eleru 1965, 3(1965), 15-17.

Editorial Note, 4(1966), 3-4.

Experimental Archaeology, 4(1966), 38-40.

Radiocarbon Dates for Igbo-Ukwu, 4(1966), 41.

Editorial Note, 5(1966), 2-3.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, List of Participants, 5(1966), 4-5.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, Accounts of Recent Work, 5(1966), 6-38.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, Discussions on Terminology, 5(1966), 39-53.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, Publication, 5(1966), 54-55.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, Posts and Training, 5(1966), 56-57.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, Miscellaneous Matters, 5(1966), 58-62.

Report of Conference of West African Archaeologists at Freetown, 28th – 30th June, 1966, Recommendations and Resolutions, 5(1966), 63-64.

Editorial Note, 6(1967), 3-5.

Professor Coon’s Excavation at Yengema Cave, Sierra Leone, 6(1967), 3-5.

Second Conference of West African Archaeologists, 6(1967), 51-52.

Editorial note on the Paleontological Laboratory at Fort Lamy, 6(1967), 53.

Editorial note Radiocarbon Dating Lists, 6(1967), 54.

Editorial note on Pottery Grating Dishes, 6(1967), 55-56.

Editorial note, 7(1967), 3-6.

Editorial note on the Resolutions passed at the A.R.C. Conference on Iron Age Archaeology, 7(1967), 32.

Editorial note on Resolutions of the A.R.C. Conference concerning Terminology, 7(1967), 33-37.

Editorial note on Other Resolutions of the A.R.C. Conference, 7(1967), 38-39.

Editorial note, 8(1968), 3.

Editorial note, 9(1968), 3-5.

Radiocarbon Dates from Nigeria, 9(1968), 73.

Editorial Note, 10(1968), 3-5.

Editorial Note, 11(1969), 3-4.

Editorial Note, 12(1970), 3-6.

Shinnie, P.L.

The Department of Archaeology of the University of Ghana, 2(1965), 10-14.

Meroe and West Africa, 6(1967), 12-16.

Souville, Georges

Note sur “une Méthods de Classment des Haches Néolithiques d’Afrique du Nord”, 9(1968), 52-54.

Willett, Frank

Radiocarbon Dates in Africa, 4(1966), 34-37.

Pottery Classification in African Archaeology, 7(1967), 44-55.

New Radiocarbon Dates from Ife, 11(1969), 23-25.

York, R.N.

Excavations at Bui, a preliminary report, 3(1965), 18-21.

Drawings of Microliths from Bui, 4(1966), 42.

Pottery Classifications: Some Methods and Results from New Buipe, 7(1967), 55-61.